Nanna Dalby

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How to get beautiful, healthy nails all year around

Apr 12, 2022 1:00:01 PM / by Nanna Dalby posted in Nails


Do you know how you sometimes feel embarrassed when your nails are broken, chipped and dry? This often happens during winter, when the air gets cold and dry, because during winter most nails don‘t get enough moisture and natural care, which is why winter nails are often kind of dull.

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SHAPER vs. BUILDER - What is the difference?

Feb 11, 2022 12:13:06 PM / by Nanna Dalby


Confused on if you should invest in both shaper and builder? What is actually the difference between them?! The likelihood is, at some point you'll need both. Think of CND™ PLEXIGEL as your new tool kit. You wouldn’t choose between a screwdriver and a hammer for home improvements, so why choose between Shaper and Builder for your clients requirements? Trust us, you soon won't be able to live without both.... let me tell you why by starting of telling you what they do. 

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